MUSE MUSE  關懷世界愛心行動 - 地球大合唱

關懷世界愛心行動 - 地球大合唱

2014年,世界很多天災人禍,面對種種的傷痛,原來我們人的能力很有限,Muse Muse 很希望為世界送上一點的祝福,帶給世界及香港人更多的正能量,所以我們誠邀了婚禮界的同業們,集合大家的力量,為世界送上一個祝福。 是次活動指定的受邀請者包括攝影師,攝錄師,化妝師,律師,婚禮樂隊,Wedding Planner,器材公司,婚紗公司等。


Care our World, Love our World Event from Hong Kong Wedding Industry

In 2014, there are a lot of natural disasters and huge accidents all over the world. We, human being, have very limited capacity of facing all sorts of pain. MUSE MUSE invited a peers in Hong Kong Wedding Industry, to send our blessing to the World, giving us more positive thinking, and positive energy. We made a song, “The Earth Chorus” with hope, and produced a MTV, to give us an encouragement, facing the bad times.

In this event, we specially invited certain photographers, videographers, make-up artists, lawyers, wedding planners, camera equipment companies, and bridal shops.

Once again, Thank you very much for the support of the event!

Intro Music : Going Home
Compose by Muse Chan
Arrangement and Guitar by Muse Chan

Main song : The Earth Chorus
Compose by Joseph Koo
Drum : Man Ho @ Muse Muse
Guitar : Muse Chan
Keyboard : Johnson Ho
Recording : Muse Muse

Video Link : MUSE CHAN
